Sunday, 16 May 2010

Great Venues

Thought I'd just add to my list of places that I have seen do things right (which amazingly many don't!):

The Orangery at Margam Park

Why do we like it? Well its a huge venue for a start, if its raining people will still have a good time. The main hall is light and airy, and if you have over 90 guests its really a place you want to consider (its also straight off the M4, though you feel as if you are in the middle of nowhere). The ceremony is held in the old stone floored half, seperated by a beautiful glass partition. It's not just the Orangery, there's a gothic castle, acres and acres of green parkland, stone ruins, and a Church.

I think the most impressive thing is that it's council-run - you'd never believe it!  Oh, and the food is pretty good two - they do a killer cawl!

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