Friday 8 January 2010

Its up - check it out!

My new website is up and running. These things always take longer than you think, but I think its been worth it.
It has been designed to reflect what I believe makes me different from many of my competitors in the area. The Colour Mill had the brief to make it reflect the individual, hand crafted nature of what I do.

In a world of digital photography and digital processing, there is so much scope for doing everything en masse, that after a while everything looks the same - and this goes for websites too. I love to be different, even if it is not to everyone's tastes, and I'm happy that Benj at the Colour Mill and Anthony at Ballyhoo Commerce have given me something that really shows this and reflects on the individual attention and artistic element that I give to each and every photographic print that I process.

Anyway, enough navel gazing, here's my site:

You can buy prints, log in if you have been married or been at one of the weddings I have photographed and order your favourite prints, or just have a gander.

Hope you enjoy!

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